venerdì 2 marzo 2012


You're now in a new world far from home
different from all your imaginations
your voices will often be yelling out
but no one would want to hear you.

Your ways like a bottomless pit
but there's no one to hold on to
there's no one to pull you out
and you will keep on falling.

These are no times to curse anyone
for deceiving or exploiting you
they are times to show who you are
to show where you're coming from.

How many mouths to feed
brothers and sisters to educate
your communities to assist
and your continent to support.

For you are born in a big struggle
and you're already considered a winner
just because you've crossed the ocean
and money is plucked from the trees.

My people, never you give up
for the dark memories will come to pass
just keep on praying for brighter days
and the Gods of our land will never be asleep!!!

Blessing Sunday Osuchukwu

1 commento:

  1. mi dispiace molto per il tuo popolo, purtroppo l'uomo non è capace, se non in rarissimi casi, di governare con giustizia. L'uomo purtroppo si fa governare dall'egoismo. Prego per il tuo popolo e per il tuo paese, ti abbraccio
